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Fakultät BCI


Winter semester

Course content:

This seminar aims to promote discussion on actual developments in the field of synthetic biology. Following
an introduction into literature research and the evaluation of scientific publications, the course participants will
present and discuss the findings of recently published work.

One of the biggest challenges to research is successfully communicating complex ideas to an audience of
varying scientific backgrounds. In this course, the students will learn how to read up on and present a scientific
work from the field of synthetic biology. This integrates the strengthening of information literacy (e.g., use of aca-
demic research databases) and the evaluation of scientific publications.

Requirement: Completion of Fundamentals of Synthetic Biology


Prof. Dr. M. Nett

Study program:

MSc Bio- and Chemical Engineering



Course content:

The cell biology lecture is an introduction to the exciting world of biosciences. In addition to the structure and function of living organisms, basic knowledge of chemistry and molecular biology will be taught, which will be deepened in later courses. A particular focus of the lecture is on recognizing biological structure-function relationships and their possible use using engineering and physical methods.


Prof. Dr. M. Nett

Study program:

BSc Bioengineering


Tue 10:15 - 11:45 (Lecture)

Course content:

In this in-depth module, methods for the production of recombinant microorganisms are discussed and tested in practice.
Part 1: The lecture deepens the contents known from the genetic engineering lecture (module: Bioengineering I). For example, the basics of vector design and variants of the well-known PCR technique are taught and practiced using numerous examples.
Part 2: In the practical course, a genetically modified bacterium for the production of a protein or a fine chemical is produced using molecular biological methods and then validated.


Prof. Dr. M. Nett

Study program:

BSc Bioengineering also as an advanced course for chemical engineers and chemical biologists



Course content:

The course teaches the theoretical principles required for the cultivation of plant and animal cells. The reactor types used in cell culture and the use of unstructured and structured models to describe the growth of mammalian cells are also presented. Further topics include the production of monoclonal antibodies, the production of artificial tissues and organs and insect biology.


Prof. Dr. M. Nett

Study program:

BSc Bio- and Chemical Engineering



Summer semester

Course content:

In the genetic engineering lecture, the methods for characterizing, isolating, duplicating and transferring genetic material and for creating new combinations of genetic material are discussed. Biotechnological fields of application are presented using selected examples. The course is recognized as equivalent to 4 CP.


Prof. Dr. M. Nett

Study program:

BSc Bioengineering also as an advanced course for chemical engineers and chemical biologists


Fri. 8:15 - 9:45