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Fakultät BCI

Whole-Cell Biotransformations (Nett / Winand)

The knowledge how natural products are assembled provides a number of opportunities to manipulate their biosynthesis in a rational way in order to expand the naturally occurring structural diversity. We take advantage of the substrate tolerance of biosynthetic enzymes in order to generate natural products tailored to specific applications.

Whole cell biotransformation © TBL​/​TU Dortmund

[1] Winand, L.; Schneider, P.; Kruth, S.; Greven, N.-J.; Hiller, W.; Kaiser, M.; Pietruszka, J.; Nett, M. Mutasynthesis of physostigmines in Myxococcus xanthus. Organic Letters 23, 6563-6567 (2021)

[2] Vollmann, D. J.; Winand, L.; Nett, M. Emerging concepts in the semisynthetic and mutasynthetic production of natural products. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 77, 102761 (2022)

[3] Kruth, S.; Zimmermann, C. J.-M.; Kuhr, K.; Hiller, W.; Lütz, S.; Pietruszka, J.; Kaiser, M.; Nett, M. Generation of Aurachin Derivatives by Whole-Cell Biotransformation and Evaluation of Their Antiprotozoal Properties Molecules, 28, 1066 (2023)