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Fakultät BCI

Genome Mining for Bioactive Small Molecules and Enzymes (Nett)

In recent years, genomic analyses have illuminated the proficiency of microorganisms and plants for the production of bioactive molecules - underappreciated for years based on conventional isolation programs - and have set the foundation for a new paradigm in natural product discovery based on genome mining. We exploit this strategy for the identification of novel producer organisms and enzymes that may have applied value as biocatalysts.

Genome Mining for Bioactive Small Molecules and Enzymes © Nett​/​TU Dortmund

[1] Lombe, B. K.; Winand, L.; Dietrich, J.; Töbermann, M.; Hiller, W.; Kaiser, M.; Nett, M. Discovery, biosynthetic origin, and heterologous production of massinidine, an antiplasmodial alkaloid. Organic Letters 24, 2935-2939 (2022)

[2] Steinmetz, T.; Lindig, A.; Lütz, S.; Nett, M. Molecular networking-guided discovery of kyonggic acids in Massilia spp. European Journal of Organic Chemistry 27, e202400017 (2024)